Dental Implants
We’re experts at dental implant surgery
✔ Impeccable safety and hygiene record
✔ Best quality implants
✔ Pain-free techniques
✔ No hidden costs
—From $2,500 per tooth
The three main types of dental implants
Tooth Implant
Teeth Implants
Full Mouth
Teeth Implants
How it works
A dental implant is a great solution for missing teeth. A titanium rod is inserted in to the jaw bone with a replacement tooth or teeth mounted on top, this is called a crown. After an initial consultation we will advise the best treatment for you and advise payment options.
Prior to dental implant surgery, there may be a need for additional or alternative procedures to support your implant. Bone grafting and gum grafting can be used to achieve the best results in some circumstances. We may also require hygiene treatment with our dental hygienists as well. All of this will be discussed at your initial consultation.
With proper care your dental implants can last a lifetime.
Single-tooth implant
If you are missing one tooth, a single dental implant can replace it. The design of the implant is intended to replace both the lost tooth and the root of the tooth.
As implant dentists, we are able to provide the full service required for implant surgery, from pre-surgery preparation and treatment to implant surgery, and post-surgery care and consultation.
For this procedure to work, there must be enough strong bone in the jaw to permanently support the implant. Also, the remaining natural teeth and supporting tissues near where the implant will be placed must be in good health. If your bone is too thin or soft and unable to support an implant, you may require a bone graft. All of this will discussed at your initial consultation prior to implant surgery.
From $2,500 per tooth
Anaesthetic is administered.
A small titanium rod that looks like a screw or cylinder is inserted into the jaw bone.
Next, an abutment, kind of like a lid, is attached to the top of the screw. This allows for your new prosthetic tooth to be attached to the implant.
A prosthetic tooth, known as a crown and commonly made from porcelain, is permanently attached to the abutment.
View the clip below to see how single tooth implants are placed.
Contact our friendly team today
Multiple Teeth Implant
If you are missing more than one tooth, a multiple teeth implant may be the best solution for you. The design of these types of implants are intended to replace the lost teeth and the roots of some of the lost teeth.
For this procedure to work, there must be enough strong bone in the entire implant area of the jaw to permanently support the implants. Our surgical team will need to consult with you to determine if other procedures are required prior to dental implant surgery. This can include such things as dental hygiene treatment, bone grafting and sinus lifting.
From $2,500 per tooth
Anaesthetic is administered.
A small titanium rod that looks like a screw or cylinder is inserted into the jaw bone in the individual sites of your gum.
Next, the abutments, kind of like a lid, are attached to the top of the screws. This allows for your new prosthetic teeth or bridge to be attached to the implants.
Lastly, prosthetic teeth, known as crowns or bridges, and commonly made from porcelain, are permanently attached to the abutments.
View the clip below to see how multiple teeth implants are placed.
Contact our friendly team today
Full Mouth Implants
Full mouth implants, or full set implants, are a great solution for people with dentures, multiple missing teeth or severe deterioration. A full set of dental implants is also a great way to achieve a beautiful aesthetic appearance.
At Paramount Dental Sydney we are able to provide full assistance including a thorough examination to determine if an implant is the right treatment for you. For this procedure to work, there must be enough strong bone in the jaw to permanently support the implant. Also the remaining natural teeth and supporting tissues near where the implant will be placed must be in good health. If your bone is too thin or soft and unable to support an implant, you may require a bone graft. Or if there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, you may require a sinus lift.
From $15,000
Anaesthetic is administered.
Small titanium rods are implanted in to the jaw at multiple sites in your gums.
Next, abutments, or attachments, are attached in place to the top of the titanium rods.
Lastly, prosthetic teeth, known as crowns or bridges, and commonly made from porcelain, are permanently attached to the abutments.
View the clip below to see how multiple teeth implants are placed.
Contact our friendly team today
* All surgical or invasive procedures carry risks. Before proceeding please seek professional opinion from appropriately qualified health practitioners.